The Chi Heng Ball 2016 – Frosted

The Mira Hong Kong Mira Place Tsimshatsui Kowloon Hong Kong

The 2016 Chi Heng Ball was concluded successfully at the Mira Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui on 14 Oct. Hosted by the ball’s co-chairs, Mr. Chung To and Mrs. Cathy Lee, the Goodwill Ambassador of Chi Heng Foundation, with the theme “Frosted”, this biennial event raised critical funds to support AIDS-affected children in China. Besides […]

Walk for Chalk 2016 – Lijiang

Lijiang Yunnan China

Dear Walk for Chalk (Chi Heng) supporters, Hot off the press:  Explanatory notes and tools which help explain and promote Walk for Chalk 2016 Lijiang attached!! This is the 10th Year !! We will revisit the beautiful, unpolluted Lijiang and stay at the awesome, exclusive Banyan Tree!! Come interact in depth with and impact our […]

Make Someone Happy 2016-17

Make Someone Happy - to bring warmth & blessings to the AIDS orphans in China! While we are celebrating in this joyous festive season, we don’t want to forget those underprivileged children in the rural China. Make a donation of $500* and we will deliver a set of gift to AIDS orphans on your behalf** […]

1st Dec – Dine Out-Fight AIDS 2016

  Chi Heng Foundation "Dine Out - Fight AIDS" Campaign in support of the World AIDS Day World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have […]

2016 Chi Heng Annual Volunteer Dinner

2016 Chi Heng Annual Volunteer Dinner In order to thank the volunteer for their support and all the hard work put into volunteering at Chi Heng, and also to celebrate their achievements, Chi Heng hosted the “Chi Heng Annual Volunteer Dinner 2016” on 4 December.  It was also a great opportunity for volunteer to connect […]

2016 Chi Heng Shanghai Ball

The Peninsular Shanghai Shanghai China

2016 Chi Heng Shanghai Ball  Date: 10 December 2016 Place: The Peninsular Shanghai Enquiry: Savanna Tel: 3709 6543 Email: [email protected]

“Passion & Love” Chi Heng Foundation New Year Charity Dinner

“Passion & Love” Chi Heng Foundation New Year Charity Dinner Chi Heng Foundation hosted a New Year Charity Dinner on Sunday February 12, 2017 in celebration of the Year of Rooster. 6 university students supported by Chi Heng run in the Standard Chartered Bank HK Marathon 10KM race that Sunday morning and joined the dinner […]

2017 May 7 – World AIDS Orphans Day

Central Harbour Front Event Space Central Hong Kong

May 7 - World AIDS Orphans Day Food truck "Princess Kitchen" will donate 100% sales proceeds on this Sunday to Chi Heng to support AIDS impacted children in China so that they can continue their education. Come with your friends and family, spend a wonderful afternoon with good food for a good cause ! See […]

Chi Heng HK “Walk & Carnival for AIDS Orphans” 2017

Hong Kong Science Park Pak Shek Kok NT Hong Kong

Chi Heng HK "Walk & Carnival for AIDS Orphans" 2017 2017.5.21 | Sunday | The Hong Kong Science Park AIM To raise fund to support the education of AIDS impacted children in China. Event Details Date: 2017.5.21 (Sun) Time: 9 AM - 1 PM Place: Hong Kong Science Park Route: Pak Shek Kok Promenade (Approx. 4KM) Kick-off Ceremony & […]

Rejoice in Kindness – Charity Vegetarian Dinner 2017

Paramount International Banquet Hall, Skyline Tower Kowloon Bay Hong Kong.

Rejoice in Kindness - Charity Vegetarian Dinner 2017 6:30pm @ Saturday, 16 June 2017 The Paramount Ballroom at Skyline Tower, Kowloon Bay The event was successfully concluded. Thank you for your support! (dinner will be conducted in Chinese)     Event highlights:

2017 NCIX CHFC Youth Ambassador Award (in Chinese Only)

2017 NCIX 加拿大智行基金會青少年慈善大使獎 NCIX 與加拿大智行基金會攜手舉辦 2017 NCIX 加拿大智行基金會青少年慈善大使活動。主要目的是延續智行基金會【三幫九】的理念,希望讓正在加拿大生活的青少年能體會自身的幸福,從而去關注以及親身幫助一些國內的弱勢群體。智行基金會的成立主要是為中國愛滋孤兒可以得到應有的教育與生活。請即報名參與成為智行的一份子,為社會為中國的愛滋孤兒奉獻一點綿力。 參與詳情: 網上報名: 報名截止日期: 2017年6月30日  

Chi Heng Charity Mooncake Sale 2017

Chi Heng Charity Mooncake Sale 2017 The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching, it is a great opportunity to extend your generosity and show your love and care to AIDS-impacted children in mainland China. This year we have selected 4 styles of Maxim’s Mooncake for you to choose from. All net proceeds from the sale […]

Casablanca Night 2017

Paramount International Banquet Hall, Skyline Tower Kowloon Bay Hong Kong.

  Dear Friends & Chi Heng Supporters, With the overwhelming response received from last year event, Chi Heng Foundation is delighted to announce 2017 Charity Dancing and Dinner Party – “Casablanca Night” to be held on September 16, 2017, Saturday. It would be a fun and memorable evening to be filled with love, music and […]

Chi Heng “Love & Passion” Charity Dinner 2017 (in Chinese Only)

Conrad Hong Kong Admiralty Hong Kong

宏輝集團呈獻‧福布斯環球聯盟全力支持 智行愛心之夜籌款晚宴 由宏輝集團呈獻、福布斯環球聯盟全力支持的「智行愛心之夜籌款晚宴」於11月19日假香港港麗酒店宴會廳完滿舉行, 400多位商界精英聚首一堂,為智行基金會籌款。 是次慈善晚宴為基金會首次以商界人士為對象的籌款盛事,賓客當晚除了品嚐美酒佳餚之餘,亦可透過不同的環節加深對基金會的認識,包括短片介紹、受資助學童表演、受資助大學生分享及認捐項目介紹等等。當晚更邀請到特別嘉賓何國榮先生為晚宴獻唱及與孩子們合唱,為晚宴助興。 除這些精彩節目外,當晚的現場互動遊戲獲來賓慷慨解囊、熱烈參與,慈善拍賣更成功售出5件慈善拍賣品,其中包括由香港著名拳擊手曹星如捐贈的親筆簽名拳套,由其教練劉志遠先生親臨現場在台上介紹及呼籲。另外還有動漫美學藝術家姜錫鉉Eddie KANG的作品、1959年釀造的波爾多葡萄酒、全球限量版鑽石腕錶及1.51卡鑽石,每份拍賣品都甚具珍藏價值,為晚宴籌得可觀的善款。    

智愛同行二十載‧新春慈善晚宴 朁 智行大學生渣打馬拉松之旅 (in Chinese Only)

自2006年起,智行每年都獲渣打銀行支持,派學生參與渣打香港馬拉松賽事,今年也不例外。 為慶祝智行基金會創立20週年,20位受本會資助的大學生及畢業生於2018年1月19至22日來港參加此盛事,並出席了21日晚上假香港銅鑼灣世貿中心會舉行的「智愛同行二十載‧新春慈善晚宴」,與接近200位支持者共進晚餐及分享。 特此鳴謝以下單位慷慨支持及贊助,成就了20位學生別具意義的旅程。 渣打銀行 何晶潔家族基金 威信集團 宜必思香港北角酒店 公關伙伴Prestique Limited 成長希望基金會 天威 Print-rite 拍攝團隊 所有幫忙的義工 晚宴禮品贊助: CirQ-Life 美麗華集團 兩益有限公司 活動剪影:  

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