2015 智行慈善月餅代購 (in Chinese Only)

同慶中秋顯關懷‧月餅助愛滋遺孤 中秋佳節將至,智行將與美心月餅再度合作,推出4款特選月餅作慈善代購。大家與親朋摯友共聚、品嘗月餅之時,也能夠讓受愛滋病影響的兒童感受點點暖意,一舉兩得。是次活動淨收益將全數撥捐智行基金會的愛滋遺孤教育資助項目,讓他們可以繼續學業。 為鼓勵大家參與是次活動,訂購數量(以餅券數量計)最多的善長可獲贈美心西餅禮餅券8張、第2名可獲5張、第3名可獲2張。 希望大家共襄善舉,踴躍支持。您的一點心意,不但能致送親朋,還可以為受愛滋病影響的孩子們送上祝福,令這個中秋節倍添意義。   活動已完結,感謝您的支持! 如有垂詢,歡迎致電 +852 2517 0564或電郵至 [email protected]與張小姐聯絡。謝謝!   特別鳴謝﹕ 香港美心集團 - 美心食品有限公司  

2015 翠亨邨月餅 – 豬籠餅收益捐贈 (in Chinese Only)

月滿團圓.情味翠亨 中秋佳節將近,米芝蓮食府翠亨邨秉承傳統廣式月餅工藝,巧手製作滿載節日風味的「雙黃白蓮蓉月餅」及「雙子迎月」兩款月餅,並誠意提供訂購優惠。「雙黃白蓮蓉月餅」精選湖北湘蓮製作清香蓮蓉,配上油潤鹹蛋黃,喚醒記憶中的風味。翠亨邨更首次推出雙口味的精裝禮盒「雙子迎月」,包含嚴選特級金華火腿製作的金腿五仁月餅,以及棗香濃郁的雙黃崧子棗蓉月餅。 為分享中秋喜悅,翠亨邨特意按傳統製作翠亨豬籠餅為智行基金會籌款。現凡購買任何翠亨邨月餅,即可另加HK$25換購翠亨豬籠餅乙個,所得之部份收益將撥捐智行基金會作慈善用途,讓佳節陪添圓滿。 下載訂購表格 (截至2015年9月15日) 請點擊這裏 數量有限,售完即止。

Business Traveller Asia-Pacific & China Charity Auction 2015

Business Traveller Asia-Pacific & China Charity Auction 2015 to benefit Chi Heng Foundation Chi Heng Foundation is honored to be the beneficiary of the Business Traveller Asia-Pacific and China annual charity auction for the 10th year, to raise funds for children and youth in China who have been affected by HIV/AIDS.  Please click below site […]

Miramar Group x Chi Heng – “Color Your Heart” DIY Shopping Bag

Miramar Shopping Centre Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong

Download Public Subscription Audited Report(2015) Download Public Subscription Audited Report(2016)   "Color Your Heart" DIY shopping bag charity redemption fully support by Miramar Group You are cordially invited to visit Mira Mall & Miramar Shopping Centre at Tsim Sha Tsui to redeem an exquite "Color Your Heart" DIY shopping bag. All the shopping bags are […]


Miramar Shopping Centre Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong

  A charity exhibition and fund raising event in support of Chi Heng Foundation to build a brighter future for AIDS impacted children in China 15 benevolent artists/designers/celebrities join hands to participate in “bagforbetter”, a charity exhibition and fundraising event organized by Chi Heng Foundation. Using creativity and imagination, a plain canvas bag was re-created and transformed by participants into […]

智慧善行素宴 (in Chinese Only)

Wu Tai Vegetarian Restaurant Markham Ontario Canada

日期:2015年11月24日(星期二) 時間:晚上6時30分 地點:五台山素宴 地址:8425 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario L3T 2P4 餐券:每位加幣$60 ($20退稅) 查詢:+1-416-821-3809 網址:www.chihengcanada.org  

1st Dec – Dine Out-Fight AIDS 2015

  Chi Heng Foundation "Dine Out - Fight AIDS" Campaign in support of the World AIDS Day World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have […]

2015 慈善粵曲晚會 – 紫釵記 (in Chinese Only)

日期:2015年12月11日(星期五) 時間:晚上7:30 地點:新光戲院大劇院 票價: HK$280 (VIP), $200, $160, $100, $60 網上訂票:www.cityline.com 節目策劃及統籌:駱宛瑩小姐 受惠機構:智行基金會 劇團預訂及查詢:(852) 93413093   感謝駱宛瑩小姐慷慨支持,活動所有收入將不扣除支出全數撥捐智行基金會。  

Lee Kum Kee Chinese New Year Charity Sales

Aberdeen Centre Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Please come to support Lee Kum Kee Chinese New Year charity sales from February 1 to 8, 2016 at Aberdeen Centre, Richmond. Revenue will go to help Chi Heng Aids orphans educational program.

Chi Heng HK “Walk for AIDS Orphans & Carnival” 2016

Chi Heng HK "Walk for AIDS Orphans & Carnival" 2016 2016.3.13 | Sunday | The PeakJoin Us to Enjoy An Unforgettable Day! “Walk for AIDS Orphans”is a charity event for families and friends to enjoy a happy and healthy Sunday at the Peak while you support the education of AIDS orphans in China. Event Highlights Be a Saver! […]

Put Love Into Action 2016

  Background Every May 7 is the World AIDS Orphans Day. In support of this special day and bring attention to millions of children affected by AIDS, Chi Heng advocates a campaign named “Put Love Into Action” to encourage corporate employees to donate a day’s salary for a good cause. How can you help ? […]

Charity Vegetarian Dinner 2016

Paramount International Banquet Hall, Skyline Tower Kowloon Bay Hong Kong.

Date: 24 June 2016 (Friday) Time: dinner starts at 7pm Venue: Paramount International Banquet Hall Address: Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong Organizer: HK Showbiz Limited Beneficiary: Chi Heng Foundation Enquiry: (Hong Kong) 3709-6543 / (Canada) 778-996-0368 Email: [email protected] More details/booking: Click here  

Kwan Charity Concert Guzheng Master Ng Ping Kwan Charity Concert

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Wanchai Hong Kong

Master Ng Ping Kwan is a renowned guzheng educator, composer, and guzheng and harp performer in Hong Kong.  He has composed over 600 songs, many of which have been broadcasted on radios and television.  He is now Chairman of Hong Kong Music Education Society, Music Director of Hong Kong The Best Youth of Zheng Arts, […]

Chi Heng Charity Mooncake Sale 2016

Chi Heng Charity Mooncake Sale 2016 The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching, it is a great opportunity to extend your generosity and show your love and care to AIDS-impacted children in mainland China. This year we have selected 4 styles of Maxim’s Mooncake for you to choose from. Special thanks to Convey Advertising Company […]

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