Walk & Carnival for AIDS Orphans 2018 (in Chinese Only)

Hong Kong Science Park Pak Shek Kok NT Hong Kong

Since 2013, Chi Heng organized this annual signature fund-raiser with continuous growth in scale every year. With experience and resounding success of 2017, we will organize our 6th charity walk at Science Park again in 2018 with the following theme.

Coquettish Diva 2018 (in Chinese Only)

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Wanchai Hong Kong

  由天馬電影主辦,春天戲曲發展製作的戲曲音樂劇「一代天嬌」將於 2018 年 7 月 21 日晚上 8 時舉行智行基金會慈善場,所有門票收益將會撥捐予智行基金會以用於愛滋遺孤項目。 「一代天嬌」是將戲曲、話劇和電影三個元素結合而創作的戲曲音樂劇。 本劇以敍事方描述「紅線女」初出道至晚年的事跡,講述粵劇大師紅線女一生追求藝術的堅毅,立體地表現「紅線女」一生傳奇經歷及藝術之光。 《一代天嬌》戲曲音樂劇 日期︰2018 年 7 月 21 日 星期六 時間︰晚上 8 時 地點︰香港灣仔告士打道1號 香港演藝學院歌劇院 票價︰VIP $1,000 / $480 訂票及查詢 電話︰(852) 2517 0564 或電郵︰[email protected] 網上購票:https://goo.gl/U1nX1d*所有淨收入均撥歸智行基金會救助受愛滋病影響的兒童。

Elisa Chan Private Music Room 2018 (in Chinese Only)

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Wanchai Hong Kong

香港殿堂級歌手MISS CHAN CHAN 陳潔靈老師,千呼萬喚,終於24年後再次舉行個人演唱會! 已24年沒有開個人演唱會的陳潔靈- 這位亞洲殿堂級歌后一直以來都被公認爲實力派女歌手,豐富的音樂經驗深受業內人士及不少歌手尊敬。今次的個唱將集音樂、舞台、視覺及媒體藝術的殿堂級精英一起全力打造一個以「音樂與靈感,感情與音樂」的分享會,並與觀眾近距離接觸,帶大家進入她的Private Music Room「由靈開始」。 《陳潔靈由靈開始》演唱會 日期︰2018 年 7 月 27 日 星期五 時間︰晚上 8 時 15 分 地點︰香港灣仔告士打道1號 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 票價︰VIP $1,200 / $780 / $580 訂票及查詢 電話︰(852) 2517 0564 或電郵︰[email protected] 網上購票:https://goo.gl/U1nX1d *所有淨收入均撥歸智行基金會救助受愛滋病影響的兒童。

《福到智行》河南開封夏令營2018 (in Chinese Only)

Kaifeng Henan China

尊敬的智行支持者 : 由智行基金會主辦之《福到智行》河南開封夏令營2018,將於2018年7月29日 - 8月1日舉行。誠邀你們呼籲身邊的年青人參加,讓新一代了解中華文化及關懷愛滋遺孤。 網上報名︰https://goo.gl/1cjrsZ 報名截止日期︰2018年5月18日 簡介會 ︰2018年5月4日 (可加深了解活動詳情) 面試 ︰2018年5月25日 或 26日 查詢 ︰2517 0564 或 [email protected] SummerCamp_Poster_Page2

Chi Heng Foundation 20th Anniversary – Donate MoonCake 2018

Chi Heng Foundation 20th Anniversary - Donate MoonCake 2018 The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching, it is a great opportunity to extend your generosity and show your love and care to AIDS-impacted children in mainland China.  All net proceeds from the sale will go to support Chi Heng Foundation’s sponsorship program for AIDS impacted […]

Casablanca Night 2018 Charity Dancing and Dinner Party

Paramount International Banquet Hall, Skyline Tower Kowloon Bay Hong Kong.

Casablanca Night 2018 Charity Dancing and Dinner Party Dear Friends & Chi Heng Supporters, With the overwhelming response received from last year event, Chi Heng Foundation is delighted to announce 2018 Charity Dancing and Dinner Party – “Casablanca Night” to be held on October 6, 2018, Saturday. It would be a fun and memorable evening […]

The Chi Heng Ball 2018 – Illumination

The Mira Hong Kong Mira Place Tsimshatsui Kowloon Hong Kong

The 2018 Chi Heng Ball was concluded successfully at the Mira Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui on 2 Nov. Hosted by Mr. Chung To and Mrs. Cathy Lee, the Goodwill Ambassador of Chi Heng Foundation, with the theme “Illumination”, this biennial event raised critical funds to support AIDS-affected children in China. Besides generous corporations and […]

Walk for Chalk 2018 – Jinan

Jinan Shandong China

This year's Walk for Chalk will be held in Jinan from 9 to 12 November 2018, with the goal of raising a total of HK$4 million.  Places of interest include Baotu Spring, Daming Lake, Thousand-Buddha Mountain, etc.  We will also organize an extra outing day (13 November) for a visit to the picturesque Mount Taishan. […]

Chi Heng Foundation 20th Anniversary – “Princess Chang Ping” Cantonese Opera (in Chinese Only)

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong

白先勇先生誠意推薦,智行基金會20週年呈獻《重現帝女花》﹗ 演出由星動主辦,匯集了國際知名藝術家、電影人及資深粵劇大老官,在傳統中突破框架,將這個深受戲迷追捧的作品重新包裝,提升觀眾的視聽享受。 演出資料 : 日期 : 2018年11月21日 星期三 時間 : 晚上7時30分開始 地點 : 香港文化中心大劇院 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號 票價 : $480 / $280 / $180 / $120 / $80 訂票及查詢 電話︰(852) 2517 0564 或 電郵︰[email protected] 網上購票:https://goo.gl/3KtSYS 門票現於城市售票網發售 Ticket NOW available at URBTIX *所有淨收入撥歸智行基金會資助受愛滋病影響的兒童。 主辦機構: 星動 V Star Theatre Projects Cantonese Opera HK 合辦及受惠機構: 智行基金會 支持機構: 香港中華文化總會 鳴謝: 香港舞蹈團、香港演藝學院、香港鑪峯獅子會、Whole […]

Chi Heng & Prof. Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai Charity Dinner 2018

Regal Hong Kong Hotel Causeway Bay Hong Kong

Chi Heng & Prof. Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai Charity Dinner 2018 We are pleased to invite you to a special dinner with Professor Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai, a world-renowned writer, in celebration of Chi Heng Foundation's 20th anniversary. Professor Pai is a groundbreaking icon in contemporary literature, as well as a pioneer in promoting Kunqu opera and nurturing […]

2018 “Red Bread” AIDS Orphans Art Exhibition

Japan-China Friendship Center Tokyo Japan

2018 “Red Bread” AIDS Orphans Art Exhibition n commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of Chi Heng Foundation, we would like to invite you to attend the 2018 “Red Bread” AIDS Orphans Art Exhibition to be held in Tokyo, Japan from Tuesday, December 11, 2018 to Friday, December 14 , 2018. The event will be attended by His […]

Hogan Meaningful Shopping Week

Hogan Boutiques Hong Kong

Beneficiary: Chi Heng Foundation Hong Kong
Date: 5-6 Apr 2019
Venue: Hogan Boutiques (Pacific Place / Gateway Arcade, Harbour City / Elements / SOGO Causeway Bay)

International Travel Expo 2019

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Wan Chai Hong Kong

International Travel Expo 2019 Date and Time : June 13 & 14 (10:00am-18:00pm), June 15 (10:00am-19:00pm), and June 16 (10:00am-17:00pm) Venue : Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (Hall 1A-1E)   A sole ‘charity’ booth was granted to Chi Heng, and it was generously sponsored by the organizer. The booth was empowered by a team […]

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