WFC 2019 Tea Gathering
The 50's Bar & Restaurant Wan Chai Hong Kong
常霖法師「菩薩行」巡迴攝影展覽 活動簡介: 這次攝影展內容,是常霖法師透過親身探訪智行基金會在河南、雲南和山西三地的受助愛滋遺孤的感受,加上當時拍攝的攝影作品,帶出在日常生活中如何向菩薩學習,讓自己的生命活得更加自在。 展覽將於7月12日-7月28日期間,於中環國際金融中心一期及將軍澳新都城中心二期作巡迴展出,免費參觀,參觀期間可免費索取最新出版的《菩薩行》圖文集。 ____ 【第一站】ifc mall 日期:2019年7月12日(五) – 7月17日(三) 時間:10am-8pm 地點:中環國際金融中心一期一樓大堂(港鐵香港站E出口) 活動:7月13及14日設免費導賞 【第二站】MCP CENTRAL 日期:2019年7月19日(五) – 7月28日(日)* *因「常霖法師『菩薩行』巡迴攝影展覽」活動更改,展覽將提前於7月27日(六)晚上8點正結束。 7月28日(日)之禪修展覽導賞、禪繞畫及和諧粉彩工作坊將告取消。不便之處,敬請見諒。 我們對於活動未能如期舉行表示遺憾,並向每一位已報名的參加者及義工們致以最真誠的歉意。 時間:10am-8pm 地點:將軍澳新都城中心二期一樓天幕廣場(港鐵寶琳站 A2出口) 活動:7月20、21、27及28日設免費導賞、禪繞畫及和諧粉彩工作坊 主辦:智行基金會 ____ 展覽期間的免費導賞、禪繞及和諧粉彩工作坊,均以粵語進行。歡迎8歲或以上人士參加;15歲以下小孩須由家長陪同參與。 活動報名: 名額有限,先到先得
Chi Heng Charity Mooncake Sale 2019 The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching, it is a great opportunity to extend your generosity and show your love and care to AIDS-impacted children in mainland China. This year we have selected 9 styles of Maxim’s Mooncake for you to choose from. All net proceeds from the sale […]
2019 MoonCake Donation (Village 127) The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching, it is a great opportunity to extend your generosity and show your love and care to AIDS-impacted children in mainland China. All net proceeds from the sale will go to support Chi Heng Foundation’s sponsorship program for AIDS impacted children in China. May your […]
Date : 27 July 2019 Time : 2 - 4 pm Venue : Harrow International School Hong Kong (38 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun)
Lamborghini Hong Kong join hands with five Hong Kong based contemporary artists to present the “BOUNDLESS” charity art exhibition, portraying the Lamborghini’s DNA without any boundaries and offering new perspective to appreciate the raging bulls, in the medium of painting, photography, sculpture, mixed media and installation art. The five contemporary artists include Alex Lau, Joe […]
開心夢履行 - 太原2019 今年的“開心夢履行”將於2019年11月1日至4日在山西太原舉行,目標是籌集港幣260萬元。旅遊景點包括中國最早的皇家園林晉祠、煤炭博物館,常家莊園等。我們特別增設兩天行程(11月1-6日),遊覽大同懸空寺、雲崗石窟、雁門關等。 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電9422 2220與潘仁風先生聯絡,或電郵[email protected]。
中秋將至,今年感謝香港素食名店Green Monday 提供健康創意月餅 以及由著名中廚陳小麒師傅製作傳統美味月餅。 我們十分感恩,月餅的製作費用已獲善長認捐, 因此是次義賣收益將不扣除任何成本並全數用於智行助學工作。 我們亦鼓勵各善長捐出已購買的月餅,讓我們轉贈內地受助學生或本地非牟利團體。 在中秋佳節,人月團圓之時,行善助學,讓一份善心成就兩份愛! 預祝中秋快樂! (月餅訂購詳情可參考附件) Download order form: Mooncake order form 2020 Online Order: Please click here.
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic and our concern for the health of our supporters, Chi Heng Foundation has postponed Walk & Carnival for AIDS Orphans to 27 December 2020 Sunday at the same venue. Many thanks for your support and understanding in advance. Details of the event will be announced later. Should you have any queries, […]
Walk for Chalk will not be stopped, despite COVID-19, just like the support you have given to the AIDS-impacted students in the last 14 years.
WFC 2020 NetTour brings you fond memories and celebrate the successes of the Chi Heng students.
Please support us with donation of Wisdom Red Packets, giving an education to AIDS-impacted children in China.
Good news! The charity concert “Chi Heng With Love Charity Concert” was previously announced to be held on 5th December, 2020 has been rescheduled at 3:00p.m. on 20th March, 2021 (Saturday), at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
The 14th annual Vegetarian Charity Dinner Event hosted by Chi Heng Foundation Canada will be held online for the first time, with a series of exciting online activities. Please come join us in the drive to support the education of the AIDS-impacted orphans and other less privileged children in China.
With the support of Amazing Vegan and Star Chefs Creation, Chi Heng Foundation is presenting two charity sets of mooncakes to celebrate joy and love in this Mid-Autumn Festival. Please support us with this ideal festive gift for friends and family.
Chi Heng Foundation is honored to be sponsored by the organizer of the Hong Kong International Travel Expo and set up a booth at Hall 1B & 1C of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center from July 29 to August 1.
The exhibition will showcase art pieces donated by bright-hearted celebrities/artists and drawings created by the underprivileged children during Chi Heng art counseling program while raising some much needed funds to help change their destiny.
Date: 11 Dec 2021
Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm
Venue: B P International, Gordon Wu Hall
Enquiry: [email protected]
As the Year of the Tiger is fast-approaching, Chi Heng Foundation is presenting Chinese New Year Puddings to celebrate joy and love.
With Dragon Boat Festival fast approaching, Chi Heng Foundation is presenting traditional Rice Dumplings to celebrate joy and love.